Welcome to Widow Retreats

Holistic grief retreats for widows and surviving partners

A chance to pause, breathe and simply be.

Featured In
Karen Sutton widow coach and greif retreat host featured in Daily Mail
Karen Sutton widow coach and grief retreat host featured in Mail Online
Karen Sutton widow coach and grief retreat host featured in BBC Morning Live
Karen Sutton widow coach and grief retreat host featured in BBC

When we lose our life partner…

Our entire world is thrown into chaos. Consumed by grief and pain, we’re often unable to think clearly or function normally. And although we try to adjust to our ‘new normal’, we sometimes find ourselves sleepwalking through our grief - held hostage by the demands of daily life and the expectations that others place on us or that we place on ourselves. 

Dealing with our grief then becomes another thing we have to do. It invites questions that we have neither the time nor capacity to answer and it involves explaining our feelings to those around us, which can leave us feeling exhausted and judged. 

Burdened by stigma and unable to create the time, energy or space we need to deal with our grief, we learn to suppress our pain, which ultimately inhibits our healing.

Lotus flower leaning right to reflect mindfulness during grief and healing
Time for self reflection and mindfulness during grief retreat
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Grief retreats

Grief retreats provide widows and surviving partners with the opportunity to pull back from the chaos and turmoil of day-to-day life, slow down and focus exclusively on their recovery. When you join a grief retreat, you’re making a conscious choice to heal. You’re actively choosing to release stigma and expectations, reclaim yourself and build a brighter and more fulfilling future. You’re acknowledging that you’re ready to do the work. 

Lotus flower leaning right to reflect mindfulness during grief and healing
Connecting with other widows during grief and healing retreat
Mandala background to symbolize change during the grief and healing process


Discover how you can create a gentler grieving journey. One in which you can remember your person with more love than pain.

What to expect from Widow Retreats

Lotus flower leaning right to reflect mindfulness during grief and healing

A focus on self-care

At our retreats, your emotional well-being becomes our sole focus. By joining us, you’ll be giving yourself permission to unplug, invest in yourself and nurture your mind and body. 

We will balance free time with a variety of therapeutic sessions (all of which you’re encouraged to participate in, but that are ultimately optional.) From meditation and mindfulness to breathwork and yoga, you can choose how best to quieten your mind, restore your sense of self and unlock the path to deeper healing.

Meditation for healing during grief retreat for widows
Mandala background to symbolize change during the grief and healing process

A safe space to connect with others

In order to heal from loss, our grief needs to be witnessed. We need to feel seen and heard by others. Because as we share our pain and expose our vulnerability to those around us, we start to feel validated and understood.

When you join one of our healing retreats, you’ll become part of a safe and supportive community - a community of people who ‘get it’,  who’ve walked in your shoes and empathise with your pain. You’ll be amidst people who understand the enormity of your trauma and who’ll encourage you to speak your truth without fear of judgment. You won’t have to mask your feelings or pretend to be someone else because, throughout your stay, you’ll be enveloped in love and held with compassion. Whatever you feel will be validated and whoever you are will be accepted.

And as you start to make connections with like-minded people and explore your grief alongside each other, you’ll grow stronger, feel more inspired and better able to cope with your loss.

Lotus flower leaning left to reflect mindfulness during grief and healing
Meeting life long friends in grief retreat for widows.jpg
Mandala background to symbolize change during the grief and healing process

The opportunity to rediscover yourself

During your stay, you’ll learn how to spend time with yourself and unpack your thoughts and behaviours.

Through reflective conversations, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of who you are and how you’ve changed following your loss. And during the moments of stillness, you’ll be encouraged to reflect on what you want and need from your life.

You’ll also be given time to focus on your own personal growth and develop the skills and mindset needed to navigate a life very different from the one you imagined.

And you’ll discover that whilst your grief may shape you, it needn’t define you. Your future is in your hands; your life can be anything you want it to be.

Lotus flower leaning right to reflect mindfulness during grief and healing
Rediscover yourself in widow retreat for grief and healing
Mandala background to symbolize change during the grief and healing process


Discover how you can create a gentler grieving journey. One in which you can remember your person with more love than pain.

Our widow retreats…

Are open to anyone who has lost a life partner - wherever they are in their grief journey and wherever they are in the world. 

If you’re feeling crushed by your grief and weighed down by the expectations of others, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and stuck with little time to meet your own needs, then you need this.

Please come along and join other incredible widows for a weekend of connection, hope and healing. 

It’s time to put yourself first.

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What people are saying about grief retreats for widows…

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Christmas Gathering Testimonial from Wendy for Karen Sutton widow coach and grief retreat leader

Holistic grief retreats for widows and surviving partners